To accomplish great things we must start from small thing. In recent years busy talking about global warming. The impact and consequences of global warming can be very detrimental to the entire mankind. So the need for awareness of every person to always take action to save the earth.
For example at home, a lot of things we can do to make our homes eco-friendly, but do not leave the aesthetics of the house itself. Let us take one example, the selection of bathroom accessories such as rugs. There are many different types of rugs which are offered from the manufacturer. But our carefulness is needed to support eco-friendly homes.
There are several considerations that we have to do before buying bathroom rugs. One is the material of the rugs, this is a very important thing. Because the material of the rugs rugs that determines whether or not it is environmentally friendly.
Why You Should Choose a 'Green' Rug.
Choosing a green bath rug entitles you with the benefits offered by choosing environmentally friendly materials over synthetic ones which further harm the environment. Organic bathroom mats do not trigger or aggravate any allergies caused by the contact of the human skin to different harmful chemicals present in bath rugs made from synthetic resources.
Eco friendly mats are made from sustainable materials which means that you are not depleting any environmental resources through the use of non biodegradable mats as the resources used can grow again.
Cotton, wool, plant fibers, and other natural fibers are commonly used in creating eco friendly runners, these natural materials feel good to the feet and they are also naturally mildew resistant and easy to clean and maintain.
Choosing environmentally friendly rugs over synthetic ones are definitely a great choice nowadays as people are now continuously encouraged using eco friendly and sustainable resources. Choosing green bathroom rugs over synthetic ones is definitely a great step towards preserving the environment while also providing your bathroom with a functional and stylish bath rug.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Interior Desain Tips: Beberapa Ide Dalam Mendekorasi Home Theater Dirumah Anda
Hallo pembaca setia, pertama kali saya ingin menyapa anda.. Apa kabar? semoga anda semua beserta keluarga selalu dalam keadaan sehat dan diliputi rasa bahagia. Senang sekalia rasanya saya bisa kembali menulis artikel dan tips buat anda. Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan belakangan ini saya jarang menulis artikel (yang berbahasa indonesia), pertama karena kesibukan saya sebagai desainer, yang kedua adalah saya beberapa kali menemukan artikel-artikel saya di copy-paste secara membabi buta tanpa mengenal etika yang tentu saja menurunkan antusiasme saya dalam menulis, dan yang ketiga (dan ini sumber masalah sebenarnya) adalah keterbatasan bandwidth. Untuk kepentingan jangka panjang, saya memutuskan memindahkan registrar dan hosting service web ini ke penyedia hosting diluar negeri yang menyediakan hosting package: 600 Giga file spaces dan Monthly bandwidth transfer 6.000 Giga/month. Akhirnya lega juga, so.. berapapun jumlah pengunjung web ini nantinya, insya Allah gak perlu khawatir kehabisan bandwidth lagi.
Back to topic, saya beberapa kali menerima email yang meminta untuk dibuatkan artikel atau tips tentang home theater (home theatre), langkah-langkah pembuatan dan proses mendekorasi home theater tersebut tentunya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa saran dan ide untuk membantu mewujudkan Home Theater dirumah anda. Selamat membaca..
Saran dan ide ini mencakup pada aspek tata letak akustik, desain dan bahan yang akan digunakan pada home theater dirumah anda.
Home theater dengan cepat telah menjadi sesuatu yang “harus dimiliki” oleh setiap keluarga saat ini. Mulai dari bentuk/susunan ruang keluarga yang sederhana sampai dengan sebuah ruangan yang didesain khusus dengan bentuk dan susunan tempat duduk yang dibuat secara teratur, home theater saat ini bukan lagi sesuatu yang mahal yang dapat dinikmati oleh orang-orang kaya saja. Adapun hal yang membuat home theater saling berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh kelengkapan bagian-bagiannya, tapi juga tampilan dari home theater tersebut.

Dalam hal ini, tampilan home theater berkaitan dengan dekorasi atau bagaimana kita sebagai pemilik mendekorasinya. Proses mendekorasi home theater tergantung pada kondisi ruangan, seberapa baik ruangan dan pencahayaan diruangan tersebut dapat berfungsi sebagai pusat hiburan bagi keluarga dan teman-teman anda. Berapapun budget anda, menciptakan theater yang nyaman dan tidak membosankan sangatlah mudah untuk dilakukan. Berikut ini adalah beberapa ide/gagasan untuk menciptakan “theater yang mampu membuat anda bersenang-senang”.

Langkah awal, pengecatan pada dinding ruangan dan plafon/langit-langit diruangan tersebut. Untuk pemilihan warna cat, sesuaikan saja warna cat dindingnya dengan warna kesukaan anda. Tetapi saya sarankan anda menggunakan warna cat yang agak gelap, misalnya grey, light grey, merah marun, dsb. Anda juga berimajinasi dengan berbagai dsain dan warna wallpaper, selama itu membuat anda comfort, do as you wish.
Untuk lantai, pilihlah material yang permukaannya mudah dibersihkan atau bisa saja dipilih karpet permadani (ambal) yang berwarna sedikit gelap. Hal ini berguna untuk menyamarkan kotoran pada lantai ruangan anda. Untuk penataan cahaya, pilih recessed lighting (frame lampu yang ditanam pada langit-langit ruangan) atau downlight ,gunakan bola lampu dengan bentuk yang sederhana, untuk jenis atau type bola lampu bisa digunakan jenis incandescent bulbs atau biasa dikenal sebagai lampu pijar. Tambahkan dimmer control/dimmer switch untuk menciptakan dan mengatur efek dramatis dari cahaya agar lebih realistis.

Jika budget anda masih memungkinkan, anda dapat mempertimbangkan untuk membuat tempat duduk (seat) dua tingkat seperti susunan seat yang ada distadion. Cara membuatnya dengan menggunakan kayu lapis yang kokoh dan 2 s/d 4 susunan balok kayu, sehingga anda dapat meninggikan satu area/bagian tempat duduk (biasanya tempat duduk dibagian belakang dibuat lebih tinggi) agar setiap orang yang berada didalam home theatre tersebut memiliki sudut pandang yang bagus.

Berbicara tentang tempat duduk untuk home theater, beberapa toko furniture menyediakan theater seating dengan 2 atau 4 kursi yang disatukan, theater seating tersebut dilengkapi dengan tempat meletakkan cangkir minuman pada sandaran tangannya (arm rest). Beberapa theater seating ini terbuat dari berbagai macam bahan dan warna, tetapi yang paling populer digunakan adalah bahan dari kulit asli atau kulit yg lebih lunak. Jika ruangan anda tidak terlalu luas atau anda menghendaki terdapat suatu area didalam ruangan yang lebih intim, anda dapat membeli 2 reclainer seat berbahan kulit yang berwarna gelap. Lengkapi 2 reclainer seat tersebut dengan sebuah meja sederhana. Letakkan selimut dan bantal kursi diatas masing-masing seat sebagai sentuhan akhir untuk kenyamanan anda.

Sekarang waktunya untuk menambahkan aksesoris bagi home theater anda, poster dari film-film lama adalah salah satu aksesoris yang bagus untuk setiap home theater. Apalagi jika poster tersebut adalah poster dari film favorit anda. Anda dapat mencari poster film tersebut melalui video craft atau took yang menjual benda-benda seni. Anda juga bisa menemukan berbagai koleksi poster-poster film klasik di internet. Bingkai poster berukuran besar biasanya relatif tidak terlalu mahal dan dapat ditemukan diberbagai penjaja lukisan, toko bingkai atau craft store. Silahkan cek dan bandingkan harga atau diskon yang diberikan oleh tiap-tiap toko agar anda bisa lebih berhemat. Beludru yang tebal berwarna merah dapat digunakan sebagai bingkai disekitar layar televisi anda, atau untuk meredam cahaya dari celah jendela, atau sebagai pengganti cat pelapis dinding. Jika bahan beludru yang anda beli berlebih, gunakan kelebihan atau sisa dari beludru merah tersebut untuk menciptakan alur permadani dimulai dari pintu masuk home theater sampai dengan area tempat duduk (seating area).

Tidak ada home theater yang tidak dilengkapi dengan makanan dan minuman. Jika space didalam ruangan tersebut masih memungkinkan, lengkapi home theatre anda dengan bar mungil built-in. Lengkapi dengan sink dan rak/cabinet atau lemari mungil untuk menyimpan barang pecah belah dan perlengkapan kuliner anda. Bar home theater yang komplit biasanya terdiri atas microwave, kulkas/pendingin kecil yang terisi beraneka minuman bersoda, aneka minuman dari sari buah (jus), minuman botol, dan popcorn akan jadi jaminan ruangan anda terisi dengan berbagai aroma yang mengundang selera.

Agar lebih mudah, anda dapat membeli atau membuat lemari/rak penyimpanan, entertainment system untuk menampung peralatan audio visual, atau koleksi dvd anda. Jika memungkinkan atau tersedia, pilihlah komponen (rak atau entertainment system) yang sesuai dengan warna dinding dalam ruangan tersebut atau bisa juga sebaliknya..sesuaikan warna dinding ruanagan dengan warna komponen didalam ruangan tersebut. Keserasian warna dinding dan komponen didalam ruangan akan membuat semua hal didalam ruangan tersebut tampak menyatu.

Terakhir, untuk menentukan titik pusat pada home theater anda, hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah memilih peralatan. Harap diingat bahwa anda dapat menemukan sistem dan konfigurasi speaker yang dapat di pasang kedinding agar dinding ruangan anda tetap terlihat bersih dan rapi. Bagian luar dari speaker tersebut dapat di cat dan diperlakukan sedemikian rupa agar terlihat menyatu dan tampilannya kasat mata. Jika proyektor dengan layar berukuran besar tidak memungkinkan untuk anda beli, maka televisi standar berukuran besar dengan kualitas suara surround juga lumayan bagus untuk digunakan. Tambahkan tuner, perangkat audio (amplifier, dsb), dan konfigurasi speaker untuk kualitas suara yang lebih maksimal.

Home theater dibuat untuk bersenang-senang, tempat bersantai dan beristirahat bagi anggota keluarga, tempat untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama-sama sambil menikmati hiburan. Proses mendekorasi ruangan tersebut harusnya didasarkan pada kenyamanan, sehingga nantinya anda dapat menikmati film-film kesukaan anda atau acara-acara disana, dihome theater anda, ditempat peristirahatan yang paling nyaman, didalam rumah anda sendiri

Unique Shape Bookshelves Design Home Interior Furniture

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Have a house with good design is probably the dream of all people. So before building a dream home, need to be made mature design for the best results, including the interior design. Almost all houses has a small library, fitted bookshelves as a major furniture with unique design and is not monotonous. This is to reduce boredom with the usual form and it will sweeten your home interior design. via homedit

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Saturday, October 29, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Home Decoraring Ideas
Home decorating tips to turn a house into a beautifully decorated home. These ten tips can transform any living space.

Some homes are decorated to look like they popped off the pages of a home design magazine. The rooms seem tied together with color, proportion and design. What makes these homes stand out? Can your home become as pretty as a picture?
These ten decorating tips will help you along the road to beautifying your home. Make the rooms look more spacious and cohesive. Use lighting to set the mood. Read on and enjoy putting these tips to work in your own living space.
1. Choose a color palette carefully. When selecting background colors for flooring, walls, window treatments and large pieces of furniture think "long-term." In other words, select colors that will not go out of style in a few years, and that you won't tire of quickly. Think of colors that stand the test of time. Neutrals and earth tones are safe and blend beautifully with a wide range of bright or muted colors. Tones like whites, beiges, golds, tans, browns, rusts have been in vogue for years and stand the test of time. It is expensive to replace large items (floors, sofas, wall and window treatments) so they should have colors that will last through trends and time.
2. Layering will add warmth to a room. If a room appears cold, adding layers of fabric can turn up the "heat." For example, add a rug, add cloths to the tops of tables, and add accessories that have texture. Your room will gain instant warmth. Hint: You can use beautiful placements under lamps, or textured coasters on top of tables.
3. Use lighting wisely. It is said that lighting should be arranged to form a triangle, so use this as a guide when placing lamps. Also, remember that lamp or sconce lighting provides more warmth and mood than overhead lighting (although spot lighting can be attractive when showing off art). Lamp shades that are slightly tan or yellow cast a warm glow, to add mood and sophistication.
4. Pull those sofas out from the wall! Sofas have attractive backs, and look great with a sofa table behind them. Experiment in your home by pulling your sofas out to create a decorator look. Put two sofas in a "V" formation with tables behind them. Or arrange them so that they are parallel to each other. Lay a rug under them to define a conversation area.
5. Arrange collections together. If you collect something, such as dolls or paperweights, put them in the same location. They will attract attention and look more artistically interesting if they are together, rather than spread out throughout a home. For example, if you have bookshelves surrounding a fireplace, this would be a good place for a specialized collection of statues or attractive dolls.
6. Have an element of surprise. Rooms gain life when a bold statement is made. If a room is contemporary, highlight it with a bold antique. Or put an animal statue under a grand piano to add that special element of surprise.
7. Think "angles." Even one piece of furniture, such as a special chair or table, can add interest to a room if it is placed at an angle. Imagine a room where sofas and tables were arranged in a linear pattern and off to the corner a TV entertainment center is angled. What fun!
8. Consider buffet lamps. Add warmth and sophistication to your dining room with tall, slender buffet lamps on each side. These lamps can be found at department or discount stores. The selections with yellow or mica shades add a sense of warmth and welcome to the dining room.
9. Hang art at eye level. A common mistake is to hang pieces of art too high. Hang at eye level (or below in some cases) so that the pieces can be appreciated and can be a part of the room's decor. Also, if you have groupings of art, arrange them first on the floor, experimenting with different arrangements, before hanging on the wall.
10. Monotone decors appear spacious. Ever walk into a home and feel that the rooms are spacious and seem to flow together? Chances are the design uses a monotone palette with color accents. White walls, a white sofa, white or glass coffee tables can be delightfully accented with color pillows and accessories. Warm monotones would use the earth tones, such as browns and tans.
These ideas provide a good start toward that decorator home look. Above all, make sure your home captures and reflects your distinct personality throughout. That alone will add interest and individuality to any decor.

Some homes are decorated to look like they popped off the pages of a home design magazine. The rooms seem tied together with color, proportion and design. What makes these homes stand out? Can your home become as pretty as a picture?
These ten decorating tips will help you along the road to beautifying your home. Make the rooms look more spacious and cohesive. Use lighting to set the mood. Read on and enjoy putting these tips to work in your own living space.
1. Choose a color palette carefully. When selecting background colors for flooring, walls, window treatments and large pieces of furniture think "long-term." In other words, select colors that will not go out of style in a few years, and that you won't tire of quickly. Think of colors that stand the test of time. Neutrals and earth tones are safe and blend beautifully with a wide range of bright or muted colors. Tones like whites, beiges, golds, tans, browns, rusts have been in vogue for years and stand the test of time. It is expensive to replace large items (floors, sofas, wall and window treatments) so they should have colors that will last through trends and time.
2. Layering will add warmth to a room. If a room appears cold, adding layers of fabric can turn up the "heat." For example, add a rug, add cloths to the tops of tables, and add accessories that have texture. Your room will gain instant warmth. Hint: You can use beautiful placements under lamps, or textured coasters on top of tables.
3. Use lighting wisely. It is said that lighting should be arranged to form a triangle, so use this as a guide when placing lamps. Also, remember that lamp or sconce lighting provides more warmth and mood than overhead lighting (although spot lighting can be attractive when showing off art). Lamp shades that are slightly tan or yellow cast a warm glow, to add mood and sophistication.
4. Pull those sofas out from the wall! Sofas have attractive backs, and look great with a sofa table behind them. Experiment in your home by pulling your sofas out to create a decorator look. Put two sofas in a "V" formation with tables behind them. Or arrange them so that they are parallel to each other. Lay a rug under them to define a conversation area.
5. Arrange collections together. If you collect something, such as dolls or paperweights, put them in the same location. They will attract attention and look more artistically interesting if they are together, rather than spread out throughout a home. For example, if you have bookshelves surrounding a fireplace, this would be a good place for a specialized collection of statues or attractive dolls.
6. Have an element of surprise. Rooms gain life when a bold statement is made. If a room is contemporary, highlight it with a bold antique. Or put an animal statue under a grand piano to add that special element of surprise.
7. Think "angles." Even one piece of furniture, such as a special chair or table, can add interest to a room if it is placed at an angle. Imagine a room where sofas and tables were arranged in a linear pattern and off to the corner a TV entertainment center is angled. What fun!
8. Consider buffet lamps. Add warmth and sophistication to your dining room with tall, slender buffet lamps on each side. These lamps can be found at department or discount stores. The selections with yellow or mica shades add a sense of warmth and welcome to the dining room.
9. Hang art at eye level. A common mistake is to hang pieces of art too high. Hang at eye level (or below in some cases) so that the pieces can be appreciated and can be a part of the room's decor. Also, if you have groupings of art, arrange them first on the floor, experimenting with different arrangements, before hanging on the wall.
10. Monotone decors appear spacious. Ever walk into a home and feel that the rooms are spacious and seem to flow together? Chances are the design uses a monotone palette with color accents. White walls, a white sofa, white or glass coffee tables can be delightfully accented with color pillows and accessories. Warm monotones would use the earth tones, such as browns and tans.
These ideas provide a good start toward that decorator home look. Above all, make sure your home captures and reflects your distinct personality throughout. That alone will add interest and individuality to any decor.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
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